indicates Moo's personal favourites.
Benny Takes A Ride
Death story, rated G.
Ray K does his best to help his partner through the ultimate transition.
Accompanying bookcover by Janice R. Sager.
Kissin' Cousins
Comedy, rated PG.
Fraser's female cousin first comes to Chicago on the trail of nothing more sinister than a balanced set of books.
Higher Authority
Comedy, rated G.
Positive treatment of mainstream religions. Mild cultural stereotypes.
Critically injured Fraser receives help from a number of unexpected sources.
Holding On (archived elsewhere as Hanging On)
Death story, rated PG.
"Victoria's Secret" ends differently. "Letting Go" also has to change to match.
Accompanying bookcover by Janice R. Sager.
Forth Dramatic Comedy or Comic Drama, Rated PG.
Sequel to: Holding On
Still on the death-y theme of Holding On but nobody new dies in this one.
After "Letting Go" came "North". After "Holding On" comes "Forth".
Special thank you kindly to co-author, Satal de Rhiannsu.
Miranda's Secret
Comedy, rated G.
While delirious, Fraser calls out a mysterious name.
Ray V sets out to solve the mystery and in the process, rights an old wrong.
Chicago Honeymoon
Drama, rated PG.
Sequel to Miranda's Secret.
Newlywed Fraser is determined to be the ideal husband and father.
He finds the assignment more challenging than he expected.
I Am the Very Model of an RCMP Constable
Comedy - Gilbert and Sullivan parody, rated G.
This is a segment of the birthday fic "The Mike's House Easter Benefit Show"
Constable Fraser's own version of "I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General".
The entire fic may be found on the Birthday menu.
Comedy. Rating? Literally G, but seriously double entendre.
Written for the "Naive Fraser" challenge on the DS Flashfic Livejournal.
Water Brothers
Fraser and Ray V friendship story, rated G.
Cross-over with "Stanger In A Strange Land" by Robert Heinlein.
Written for the "Water" challenge on the DS Flashfic Livejournal.
Come They Told Me
A Christmas song-fic, rated G.
Written for the Holiday song-fic contest on Dohmah.
Contribution to the lyric wheel on Two Axes,
Fraser/Vecchio but very mild.
The Board Disbands
Unofficial ending to the "Fraser Performance Review".
On RideForever. Refer to RideForever Archive (see Links page).
Death warning.
Dusty and His Dads
Sort of an AU. Fraser and Vecchio have been a couple for ten years.
A boy by the name of Dusty comes into their lives.
Pairing: Fraser/Vecchio technically but that isn't really the focus.
Rated PG for some cussing, discussion of sex and "dangly bits" but no actual onstage love-making.
The story is about how the cop, the Mountie and the twelve-year-old interact.
Accompanying book cover by Leah Bailey
Rated G. Talk of love
Pairings: Fraser/Kowalski
Ever wonder about Steve, briefly mentioned in "North"? His appearance in Chicago has consequences for Fraser and Kowalski.