Welcome to the Moo-niverse.

Art Gallery
A new feature of the Moo-niverse that will showcase images created for The Moo by her Dueser friends.

Regular Stories
Some are shorter; some are longer. Some are funny; some are sad. Some are both funny and sad.

Benton in Vienna Series
For no very good reason, the RCMP has lent Constable Fraser to an international organization headquartered in Vienna. He's working for The Moo in the Accounting Department. Alternatively titled "Hiring the Mountie's Butt", this is the saga of Benny's adventures as a bean-counter.

Birthday Series
The Moo has a standing offer to everybody she knows in the Dueniverse. She will write a custom ficlet for you for your birthday. Just contact The Moo via one of her lists (see Links page), her Live Journal (see below) or email her directly (see below) for a moo-fic of your very own.

F/K Alternate Reality Series
This series was commissioned to recognize the anniversary of RedShipsGreenShips. Different segments are also dedicated to different birthdays. While the series is nominally Fraser/Kowalski, the resemblance to the DS characters is pretty tenuous in places.

For The Moo
The Moo is grateful to her friends for writing adorable things for and about her over the years. Go here for a collection of stories, poems and other expressions of good will. Thank you kindly, my dear Dueser friends.

The Moo is pleased to share some of her favourite groups, sites and archives. Enjoy.


The Moo's LiveJournal

Contact The Moo

Site maintained by Rae
Site originally designed and crafted by YeungMaiSu.
Artwork created by Lys.