All fucked up, as usual.
But it's all Yahoo's fault.
Cuz I was waiting with bated breath for Moo's fic to Janice.
Don't know what went wrong.
Easy for those *not* on digest.
Feeding frenzy in cyberspace.
Gotta have Moo bday fic.
Hells bells! No digest for 3 days.
I'm getting pissed at Yahoo.
Janice, I hope, got the fic in a timely manner.
Knocking on her door...
Look what arrived!
Moo fic to warm Janice's heart!
Nicely done, Moo!
Open the fic, Janice
Perhaps Moo has killed off Willie! (NAH!)
Quivering fingers tap her keyboard.
Stores of moles and mules from the Moo!!
Tales of libraries and moms who work hard for her kid.
"Understood," says a woosy Ben from the hospital bed.
Vicodan has that effect on the Mountie.
"Wouldn't you like some?" Ben mumbles as he offers his IV to any takers.
Xerophthalmia threatens to glue his eyelids together.
"Yahoo sucks," says Jean.
Zinc oxide is applied to Ben's gunshot wound, 
upon which he bounds out of his hospital bed to plant a wet kiss on Janice
and wish her a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
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